Personal Checking
Personal Checking Account Options
Free Checking
Our most popular checking account
Monthly Fee3
Minimum Daily Balance
Free first order of checks
Interest Checking
Best for larger balances, with paid interest
Paid on four tiers:
- $0 – $999.99
- $1,000 – $4,999.99
- $5,000 – $9,999.99
- $10,000+
Monthly Fee3
$10 if minimum daily balance is not met
Minimum Daily Balance
Any of the following: $1,000 in checking, $5,000 in savings, or $10,000 in loans or CDs
Free first order of checks
Golden Checking
An interest-bearing account for individuals over 55
Paid on four tiers:
- $0 – $999.99
- $1,000 – $4,999.99
- $5,000 – $9,999.99
- $10,000+
Monthly Fee3
Minimum Daily Balance
Free basic checks and discounts on a small or medium safe deposit box
Fraud Protection for Your Debit Card

If we suspect you may be a victim of debit card fraud, we will:
Get the Most Out of Your Banking Relationship
All checking accounts require a $100 opening balance.
1 Some ATM networks may impose an additional surcharge unrelated to our accounts. This charge will be assessed to your account.
2 Interest will be compounded and paid monthly based on the daily collected balance. Refer to our deposit account rates for current rate information. At our discretion, interest may change daily. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of checks.
3 Other charges may apply to these accounts, see separate miscellaneous fee schedule.