May 1, 2022, is Drake Banks’ 20th anniversary. Over the last 20 years, our community has changed and prospered. While many of the faces at the Bank have changed, our core mission and focus of serving the community and small businesses has remained.

While we take time to celebrate the Bank’s accomplishments throughout the years, we want to focus on celebrating and thanking our community, clients, shareholders, and other supporters who have helped us reach this significant milestone.

As an appreciation to our community, we will be hosting the following events and invite you to join in our celebrations. Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, May 17 | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Ice Cream Food Truck

 Soft Serve Social | Add to Calendar

Location: 60 East Plato Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55107 in Small Parking Lot by Drive-Through

These community events are hosted by Drake Bank. Please stop by and join us at these local food trucks in the small parking lot by our drive-through.